As a report developer, looking to know where in the database the resource Availability is stored and if it can be included in the Data Warehouse.
Release: All Clarity releases
The resource Availability field is not stored in the database as a field that can be directly queried. It is stored as a BLOB field and sliced into slice tables.
The PRJ_RESOURCES table in the database contains a PRAVAILCURVE field. This is the blob field that is cracked into slices.
None of the resource tables will contain the Availability value that is directly entered into the field in the UI. This is because the value can be recalculated by the application if the resource's calendar shift changes.
However, the Time Slice tables can be used to read resource availability by period.
For example, the following query can be used to read the resource's Daily Availability (using slice ID = 1).
Substitute '?????' with the mixed case Resource Code ID
SELECT s.Slice, s.slice_date, r.full_name FROM prj_blb_slices s, srm_resources r WHERE s.prj_object_id = and r.unique_name like '?????' and slice_request_id = 1
NOTE: The result of the query above are dictated by the Time Slice definition 'From Date' and 'Number of Periods'.
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