Unable To Connect To CCI with Output Management Web Viewer 11.5 - CCI9018 Invalid ID/RID format
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Unable To Connect To CCI with Output Management Web Viewer 11.5 - CCI9018 Invalid ID/RID format


Article ID: 18235


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


After configuring the CCI connection, with the CAICCI-PC configurator, getting the following message when selecting the TEST tab:

Configuration test beginning...
Failure in function CciInit
Return code = 0x0008
Primary rc = 0x0008
Secondary rc = 0x0012
Detail rc = 0x0000 (0)
ErrorText = CCI9018 Invalid ID/RID format


Release: 11.5
Component: DVWEB


CCI9018 Invalid ID/RID format indicates an invalid system id. The system id is the name for the local system. It must be unique within the first 8 characters and greater than 4 characters.. 


Update this value in the CAICCI-PC Configurator to a valid value and then recycle IIS for Web Viewer to pick up the change.

From the COMMAND Prompt box:

Net stop iisadmin /y 
Net start w3svc

Note: If running under a 64bit Operating System such as Windows 2008 or 2012 Server, you must execute the CAICCI-PC Configurator and CMD Prompt "As Administrator"