How do I find which version of CAPKI is installed on a system?
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How do I find which version of CAPKI is installed on a system?


Article ID: 18230


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How can I find which version of CAPKI is actually installed on Windows or Linux system?


Release: CAPKI 4.x and 5.x


On Windows, this information is stored in the registry:

  1. CAPKI version 4 32-bit on 32-bit platform, or CAPKI version 4 64-bit on 64-bit platform:

  2. CAPKI version 4 32-bit on 64-bit platform:

  3. CAPKI version 5 32-bit on 32-bit platform, or CAPKI version 5 64-bit on 64-bit platform:

  4. CAPKI version 5 32-bit on 64-bit platform:

It is also possible to locate libcapki.dll file and check its properties:

On Unix/Linux platforms, CAPKI version information can be found in the '.installdb' file located in:

  1. Version 4:
  2. Version 5:


cat $CASHCOMP/CAPKI/Linux/x86/32/.installdb 
CurrentVersion 4.3.0 
WAAE1136 4.3.0 
SecureSocketAdapter 4.1.6 
iGateway 4.3.0

cat $CASHCOMP/CAPKI/CAPKI5/Linux/amd64/64/.installdb
CurrentVersion 5.2.6
ETRDIR 5.2.6