ITMS 8.x
The following steps describe how to completely uninstall and reinstall the Package Server, the underlying Symantec Management Agent, and then reinstall them. You may need to do this if the Package Server is not functioning as desired.
1. On the Site Server, save the folders in the Package Delivery folder, by default the folder is:
C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Package Delivery
2. On the Site Server, delete the package.xml files from each subdirectory in the Package Delivery folder in the back up just taken.
3. From the SMP Console, remove the Site Server components from the Site Server:
4. From the SMP Console, run a Delta Membership Update:
5.a. From the Site Server, uninstall the Symantec Management Agent:
180365 What is the best way to cleanly uninstall the Symantec Management Agent to leave no remnants (or the bare minimum) behind?
5.b. From the SMP Console, delete the computer resource
6. From the SMP Console, reinstall the core Symantec Management Agent:
7.a. From the SMP Console, start the process to reinstall Site Server components to the Site Server.
7.b. From the SMP Console, run a Delta Membership Update again (see Step 4 above)
7.c. From the Site Server, run an Update Configuration and confirm that the Package Service installs. If the Package Server does not install, see notes below.
8. Copy the Package Delivery folder from Step 1 above back to the proper installation directory, while the Symantec Management Agent agent is stopped.
At this point the Package Server agent should be installed and synchronizing the packages with the NS. The rest of the plug-ins should install once the package server agent finishes its automated procedures. Allow the NS to run it's normal scheduled tasks overnight.
To confirm the location of the Package Delivery folder on the Package Server, run the following commands (These should all yield the same result):
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Plugin Objects\Agents\Package Server" /v "Install Path"
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Package Server" /v "PackageServerBaseDir"
net share
net share PkgSvrHostC$
If you need to manually install the Package Server agent run the AeXNSCPkgSvr.exe /install, from either of the following locations: