Repairing Notification Server/Symantec Management Platform products and solutions
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Repairing Notification Server/Symantec Management Platform products and solutions


Article ID: 181842


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite Server Management Suite Asset Management Suite


 How do I repair and/or reconfigure IT Management Suite MSI files and configuration files?


There are multiple methods supported for running a repair in Notification Server. The process is as follows:

***Note: All actions need to be done logged into the Notification Server as the Service Account (Application Identity)

Repair All Solutions (Full repair).

  • Through Symantec Installation Manager:
    • Under SIM, click on "Repair installed products", then select "Perform full repair". Check the desired boxes for the Solution(s)
    • This action will perform both a repair and a reconfigure of all installed products

Repair the solution (individual repair).

  • Through Symantec Installation Manager:
    • Run a repair on the MSIs for the solution or solutions chosen. When you run SIM there is a product listing of all the installed solutions and suites. 
      Under SIM, click on "Repair installed products", then select "Repair MSI-s". Check the desired boxes for the Solution(s)
  • Manually repair the MSI files for the solution.
    • These can be found in %Program Files%\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Installs\Altiris\ (or other installation drive as configured if custom)
    • Each solution will need the base for the version (e.g. 8_6) and the current hotfix (e.g. 8_6_HF5) to be repaired, in order.
    • open a command prompt as Administrator and run:
      msiexec.exe /i "PATH to MSI/msiname.msi" skipaim=1

Reconfigure the Database.

  • Using aexconfig (no longer needed with 8.0 or later):
    • Log in to the Management Server as the Altiris Service Account
    • Open a Command prompt with the "Run as Administrator" option.
    • Run using the switch /Configure <Path to product installation xml file> to configure one product at a time.

Note: Reconfiguring the database will reset the default reports, policies etc. If changes have been made to the defaults, these can be exported before the reconfigure then reimported after the reconfigure. As before any modification to an environment, a backup of the Symantec_CMDB is recommended.