By default, Workflow Designer will attempt to authenticate to Process Manager when loaded. The Process Manager is a feature of Workflow Advanced and does not provide any additional functionality for Workflow Standard users. Also, when Workflow Designer attempts to connect to Process Manager, it may generate error messages if it has not been properly configured.
For these reason, it may be preferable to disable the Process Manager entirely in the Designer interface so that it does not attempt to connect when loaded.
How do you disable Process Manager in Workflow Designer?
ITMS 8.x
Workflow Solution 8.x
From the Workflow Designer machine, go to Start > All Programs > Altiris > Workflow Designer > Tools > Edit Local Machine Info.
At the top of the window, highlight "server: (local)" and then click Edit. Scroll to the bottom of the options window and deselect the checkbox for "LogicBase_ProcessManager". Then click OK.
This will require a restart of the Workflow Designer.