How do I purge old computers that have not communicated with the Ghost Solution Suite server for x number of days?
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How do I purge old computers that have not communicated with the Ghost Solution Suite server for x number of days?


Article ID: 181793


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


 There is a need to automatically delete old history and computer records from the console after x number of days


Ghost Solution Suite 3.x


How do I purge or clean up old computers that have not communicated with the Ghost Solution Suite server for x number of days?

Use the Tools > Options menu in the Deployment Server console.  Go to the Global tab.  There are two options that are selectable at the top of this screen:

  • Delete history entries older than x days
  • Remove inactive computers after x days.

Fill in the amount of days desired to wait before the inactive computer is removed from the database and choose OK.

Note:  If there is a large amount of history and clients in the database, enabling this option may cause the console to become unresponsive for a short period of time.