How does Telemetry functionality work in Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) 7.x Product?
What is Telemetry functionality
Telemetry is a way to collect SPE install based tracking data from Symantec customers. A ping is generated to the Symantec CED server over https and the collected data is sent to that server during install/uninstall/upgrade of our products.
Note Symantec recommends to keep telemetry enabled.
For more information on how Telemetry functionality works and other details, refer attached Telemetry FAQ document.
Symantec respects your concerns about privacy and values its relationship with you. To learn more about Symantec's privacy policy, refer to the following link
Wrong version?
The document above is for SPE 7.x builds. For information related to SPE 8.2.x builds, please see here