Disabling replication of the Symantec Management Agent push settings (Symantec Management Agent Install)
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Disabling replication of the Symantec Management Agent push settings (Symantec Management Agent Install)


Article ID: 181645


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


You are using the Symantec Management Agent push mechanism on a daily basis.

You noticed that the only way to keep the Symantec Management Agent Install setting (under Settings>Agents/Plug-ins>Symantec Management Agent>Settings)  enabled on the child SMP servers is to enable it on the parent SMP server.

You would like a way to disable this setting on the parent SMP so that it can be configured on each child SMP without replication disabling it once again (since it is disabled on the parent SMP)


ITMS 8.x


1. "Symantec Management Agent Install" has the NoReplicable attribute
2. The actual policy "Scheduled agent push to discovered machines item" (GUID 124D0571-4725-466C-8F43-998160D3CFF2) inside the "Symantec Management Agent Install" (labeled as "Scheduled Push to Computers") is the one that is replicated since it only has the NoDelete attribute.
3. Looks like the way to avoid for this policy to be replicated is by running the following query, which basically set the policy to NoReplicable:

update Item
set Attributes = Attributes + 4
where Guid = '124D0571-4725-466C-8F43-998160D3CFF2'
and Attributes &4 = 0

4. If in the future you want to turn this policy back to its default attribute, run the following:

update Item
set Attributes = Attributes - 4
where Guid = '124D0571-4725-466C-8F43-998160D3CFF2'
and Attributes &4 = 4