Using the 'upgradeif' setting for CoreSettings.config
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Using the 'upgradeif' setting for CoreSettings.config


Article ID: 181606


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IT Management Suite


 In the CoreSettings.config file (under c:\programdata\symantec\smp\settings) you may notice some settings that uses "upgradeif" setting. For example:

<customSetting key="MaxConcurrentSlowMsgsThreadPoolSize" type="local" value="4" upgradeIf="gt" />


ITMS 8.x


The upgradeif setting indicates if a core setting will be updated during upgrade (by default settings are not upgraded, only new ones will be inserted).

There are 3 options now:

gt – the setting will be updated to new value if old value is greater than new

lt – the setting will be updated to new value if old value is less than new

ne – the setting will be updated to new value if old value does not equal to new


The “gt” setting means that our value will take over the administrator’s if its greater than it, i.e. if there was a value of “2” previously, but our new one is “4” in a newer release with this option – we will override. But if the administrator set it to 10 before, and ours only 4 – we will not change it.