What information should I collect when troubleshooting Symantec Installation Manager 8.x/ (SIM 8.x)?
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What information should I collect when troubleshooting Symantec Installation Manager 8.x/ (SIM 8.x)?


Article ID: 181599


Updated On:


IT Management Suite



What information should I collect to troubleshoot issues with Symantec Installation Manager 8.x (SIM 8) and installation of any Solution product?


ITMS 8.x



  1. OS Version used from host server and virtual machine (if any).
  2. VM version (if any).
  3. Memory allocated to Server or VM (if any).
  4. Screenshot from the window/step where the error occurred.
  5. Create a Support Package:
    To create a support package (see KB 254692 "Creating a SIM support package"):

    a. Log on to the computer where you are trying to install as an Administrator.
    b. On the computer, start the Symantec Installation Manager.
    c. On the Installed Products page, click Settings.
    d. In the Settings dialog box, click Create support package.
    e. To access the support package, in the dialog box that appears, select the "Open containing folder" check box, and then click OK.

    Alternatively, you can navigate to the following location on the computer to view the support package file that was created:
    C:\Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Support

    Support package ZIP includes:

    –Product Listing (PL) file 
    –NS, Install and SIM logs
    –AIM Registry Hive
    –Install History PL
    –Performance logs (Perflogs folder)
    –MSI logs

  6. If a Support package can't be created, a copy of the following files:
    1. SIM logs.
      • Under "C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs\", grab "Install xxxx-xx-xx xx-xx-xx" Logs and "SIM xxxx-xx-xx xx-xx-xx" Logs.
        The main SIM log is created each time SIM runs, whether or not anything is downloaded or installed. This log reports on SIM activities, such as reading/parsing the package data file, downloading packages and accessing the licensing server.
        Send them as a .zip file.

        Note: For Windows Server 2008 and 2012, the SIM logs are stored under C:\Users\<logged user used during the installation>\AppData\Local\Temp\SIM Logs.
    2. Event logs. A copy of the Event Logs, especially Application and System events and the time frame when the error occurred.
    3. Notification Server logs. Copy (if any) of the Notification Server logs (a.log files) under C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs\". Send it as a .zip file.
  7. As well, if the issue is related to an initial install, repair, or uninstall, these logs can be found under C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs:
    • InstallLogs
    • RepairLogs
    • UninstallLogs
  8. A SIM performance log is created each time SIM runs. This log is a summary report, showing when services are restarted, when packages are downloaded, installed and/or configured. This log is stored in the SIM's InstallHistory\PerfLogs folder, in a folder with the date and time stamp in the file name. For example:
    ...\Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\InstallHistory\PerfLogs\SIM_Metrics_2010_02_19 13_35_39.log
    This log may be helpful to show when various products and updates were installed/configured.
  9. When an individual product is configured (as part of its installation) the messages related to its configuration are written to a separate log. This log is stored under the Notification Server's log folder, in folder with a date and time stamp. For Example:
    C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs\Install 2010-02-19 13-35-39\a.log
    This log may be helpful to show whether a particular package or installed/configured as expected.
  10. SIM maintains an Install History in an XML file. The default location of this file is:
    C:\Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\InstallHistory\InstallHistory.xml
    This file can be helpful to show the name of each installed product, its version number, and its installation date.