isolating Organization Views / Groups (OU's) on Patch Compliance Reports?
Article ID: 181477
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Patch Management Solution for WindowsCMDB SolutionNotification Server Agent for Macintosh (Altiris)
Patch Compliance reports utilize a default OU group, Computers, which includes all computers. As desired, this can be changed to filter out only on desired OU groups.
To isolate Organization Views / Groups (OU's) on Patch Compliance Reports, review the following process:
AD Import creates Organizational Units (OU's)
Symantec Management Platform Console processes will pull these OU's into Organization Views (OV's) and Organizational Groups (OG's)
The Console > Management > Organization Views and Groups displays these listed OV's / OG's by domain
Work through the following process:
Open the Compliance Report; Console > Reports > All Reports > Software > Patch Management > Compliance
Select the 'Showing' link (populated by default with ‘Computer’)
Change that to the OV/OG that is desired
Leave the 'Filtered By' setting as default 'Windows Computers with Software Update Plug-in Installed' as that will isolate only within the targeted OV/OG
The report should now only list Windows Computers with Software Update Plug-in Installed that are only collectively in that OV/OG (OU).