Configuring the agent's task history purging period
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Configuring the agent's task history purging period


Article ID: 181471


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IT Management Suite


 By default, task history for the Symantec Management Agent (SMA) is kept for the tasks from last 90 days.  Is there a way to change that time range?


ITMS 7.5, 8.x, 8.7.x


By default, task history for the Symantec Management Agent (SMA) is kept for the tasks from last 90 days.  You can configure that period for the 7.5 SMA by adding a new key to the Windows Registry on the managed computer.

To configure the agent's task history purging period:

  1. On the managed computer, start the registry editor.
  2. In the registry editor, on the left pane, click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Altiris > Altiris Agent > Task Management.
  3. In the right pane, right-click a blank area, and then click New > DWORD Value.
  4. Rename the new value to HistoryKeepDays, and then right-click it, and then click Modify....
  5. In the Edit String window, in the Value data box, enter the purging period in days.

    Note: The purging period can be set to 0. If you set the DWORD value to 0, the task history is not kept.

There is a corresponding log record on DEBUG level, which says:

Task Status Collector: Keep history for N days