Remotely deplolying SymDiag
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Remotely deplolying SymDiag


Article ID: 181446


Updated On: 10-11-2023


Endpoint Protection Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange


You want to remotely deploy the Symantec Diagnostic Tool (SymDiag).


Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) provides two ways of deploying client install packages to remote systems. These client deployment functions can be repurposed to launch SymDiag remotely.

By wrapping SymDiag in a zip container it is possible to configure SymDiag to launch with the needed command-line parameters.

Note: Running SymDiag in this way will cause it to run under the local System account. This can impact some data collection involving the user account context, including the Threat Analysis Scan.

Client Deployment Wizard


In much the same way the utility ClientRemote.exe can be used to deploy SymDiag. This utility can be found in the following directory:
<SEPM Install Directory>\tomcat\bin
<SEPM Install Directory> = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SEPM\’TargetDir’