How do I configure hierarchy to allow for Child SMP compliance data to replicate to the Parent SMP?
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How do I configure hierarchy to allow for Child SMP compliance data to replicate to the Parent SMP?


Article ID: 181409


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Patch Management Solution for Windows Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


How do I configure hierarchy to allow for Child Symantec Management Platform (SMP) compliance data to replicate to the Parent SMP? I would like to view all Child SMP Compliance data within hierarchy on the Parent SMP's Compliance Reports.


ITMS 8.x

PM 8.x


Work through the following steps that configure the product to replicate the needed data from Child SMP to Parent - keep in mind that this process is not currently supported by Symantec Inc. due to it being a customization of the product as follows:

~Warning: This process will cause high load on the hierarchy, for the data replicated is extremely taxing to the environment:

  1. Go to the Console > Settings > Notification Server > Hierarchy; select the 'Replication' tab
    • Expand the 'Resources' drop down arrow on the far right, and click on the '+' icon in the tool bar:
      • Within the 'New Hierarchy Resource Rule' popup;
        • Double-click the heading 'New Hierarchy Resource Rule' and input custom name
          • Something like: 'Patch Compliance Data Class Replication From Child SMP's'
        • Under 'Replicate;' enable the radial button for 'Resource targets' and click on the '0 resource targets' link.
          • Within the Resource Target popup; search for 'computers with software' to return the needed 'Group name' information
            • Select 'Windows Computers with Software Update Plug-in Installed Target' to highlight that Group name
            • Select the '>' button to the right to add that specific Group name
            • Select the 'OK' button in the bottom right to save configurations
        • Under 'Replicate;' select '0 data classes' next to the 'Data Classes:'
          • Within the 'Group' drop down > Data Classes > Software Management; select 'Patch Management'
            • Select 'Installed Windows Software Update' and 'Applicable Windows Software Update' to highlight those 'Name' data classes
            • Select the '>' button to the right to add those specific Name data classes
            • Select the 'OK' button in the bottom right to save configurations
          •   Note: The items may not display with the 'Name' field; this is just cosmetic, for if the highlight blockout is in place, they should be part of the configuration.
        • Under 'Replicate;' Configure 'Direction' to setting: 'Up the Hierarchy'
        • Under 'Schedule;' Configure the schedule desired
          • Select the radial button; 'Configure Use Standard Replication schedule' to run on the daily replication schedule
          • Select the radial button; 'Schedule' and input the desired schedule if that is to be executed outside the daily replication schedule
            • Advisory: refrain from running this during peak performance hours, and refrain from running too aggressively; maintain a 'daily' type schedule during the off-hours.
        • Under 'Data Verification;' this setting is not required to be enabled; however, further details regarding this setting are outlined on KM: 1803899 "Why is my Bandwidth Utilization so high, even though I've chosen to limit it?"
        • Select the 'Save Changes' button to complete configuring of the new custom replication rule
    • Expand the 'Events' drop down arrow on the far right, and click on the '+' icon in the tool bar:
      • Within the 'New Hierarchy Event Rule' popup;
        • Double-click the heading 'New Hierarchy Event Rule' and input custom name
          • Something like: 'Patch Compliance Event Replication From Child SMP's'
        • Under 'Replicate;' enable the radial button for 'Resource targets' and click on the '0 resource targets' link.
          • Within the Resource Target popup; search for 'computers with software' to return the needed 'Group name' information
            • Select 'Windows Computers with Software Update Plug-in Installed Target' to highlight that Group name
            • Select the '>' button to the right to add that specific Group name
            • Select the 'OK' button in the bottom right to save configurations
        • Under 'Replicate;' select '0 event classes' next to the 'Event Classes:'
          • Within the 'Group' drop down > Data Classes > Software Management > Patch Management; select 'Global'
            • Select 'Reboot' to highlight the 'Name' event class
            • Select the '>' button to the right to add that specific Name event class
            • Select the 'OK' button in the bottom right to save configurations
        • Under 'Replicate;' Configure 'Direction' to setting: 'Up the Hierarchy'
        • Under 'Replicate;' Configure 'Maximum Rows' to around '5000' rows
          • Advisory: This can be adjusted as needed depending on how many total managed clients are in the hierarchy
        • Under 'Schedule;' Configure the schedule desired
          • Select the radial button; 'Configure Use Standard Replication schedule' to run on the daily replication schedule
          • Select the radial button; 'Schedule' and input the desired schedule if that is to be executed outside the daily replication schedule
            • Advisory: refrain from running this during peak performance hours, and refrain from running too aggressively; maintain a 'daily' type schedule during the off-hours.
        • Select the 'Save Changes' button to complete configuring of the new custom replication rule 

          Note: This process will replicate the 'bare-bones' of Patch Compliance Reports. The replicated data may not be identical when compared between the Parent SMP and the Child SMP(s), but it is complete regarding the necessary data to review compliance for what is installed / vulnerable in the hierarchy. 

          Advisory: Other data classes and events may be added to allow for a more robust reporting replication, but keep in mind this will greatly increase both the replication process run time and the Patch Compliance rendering run time on the Parent SMP.

          Caution: Once this is implemented; the Parent SMP Compliance reports will display the entire hierarchy compliance data.