What are Secured Collections?
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What are Secured Collections?


Article ID: 181394


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IT Management Suite




What are Secured Collections?


  • A mechanism for limiting a collection’s population.
  • Secured Collections require the use of a "Scoping collection" and are always filtered against it. Usually the primary Altiris administrator will create the scope collection.
    • In large enterprises, a regional administrator can break secure collections into smaller collections for the site level administrator.
  • A secured collection’s population is always a subset of the scoping collection.
  • Secured collections can be cloned and modified without involving the primary administrator and without breaking security.

One of the major benefits of using secured collections is that it allows members of the role the ability to create their own collections, allowing them to manage computers with limited overhead for the main Altiris Administrators. For example, the user would be able to create a collection of all Windows 2000 servers and still only see the computers defined by the scope collection used for the secured collection.