What are the default passwords delivered with CA InterTest for CICS?
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What are the default passwords delivered with CA InterTest for CICS?


Article ID: 18139


Updated On: 11-30-2021


InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch


During an active monitoring session, users may possibly be prompted for a password when entering certain CNTL commands or options or changing storage with the CORE facility.  What are the default passwords delivered with CA InterTest for CICS?



Release: Intertest for CICS r10 and R11
Intertest Monitoring 


Some commands and options are password protected to prevent inadvertent removal of the storage protection or shutdown of Intertest during active monitoring sessions.  


CA InterTest for CICS is delivered with the following default passwords:

  • MAIN CORE transaction
  • $FUN CNTL functions (commands) such as CNTL=END
  • $OPT CNTL options such as the override (OVR) option as used in the command CNTL=ON,PROG=COB2DEMO,OVR=06
  • $MNO CNTL options for segmented monitoring on and off (MON and NOM)  
  • There is no default password for the FILE facility.
    • The passwords for for FILE are assigned using the IN25SEC2 program
    • Password protection for FILE is turned on using the InterTest options module, IN25OPTS.






Additional Information

For more details on the use of Password Protection with CA InterTest for CICS, please refer to the

Intertest and Symdump r10.0 documentation 

Intertest and Symdump r11.0  documentation