Uninstall the automation folder from a computer that was installed from the Symantec Management Console
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Uninstall the automation folder from a computer that was installed from the Symantec Management Console


Article ID: 181364


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Deployment Solution


 How to uninstall the Automation Folder environment from a computer system?


DS 8.x


The Automation folder is a Windows folder called 'boot' on the root of the C: drive.

3 Methods to uinstall the Automation Folders

1)  Use the uninstall policy at Settings > Agents/Plug-ins > All Agents/Settings > Deployment and Migration > Windows > Deployment Automation Folder for Windows (x86 or 64) Uninstall.

2) You could also run a command line on the target machine to remove the Automation folder, as follows.

  • From NS, click on Manage > Software > Software Catalog.
  • Search for 'uninstall'. The package for uninstalling the Automation Folder should show up.
  • Right click > Actions > Edit Software Resource > Package > Command lines. There should be a command line there. Run that command on each client computer.

3) Run the executable located in directory c:\Program Files\Altiris\ Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\SoftwareDelivery\{A56201E5-6615-4d4A-B6AC-F1D458AC4404}\cache and manually run the PEUninstall.exe or PEUninstdall_x64.exe (this may require a package refresh if the cache directory is empty )

Methods to verify the package was removed

  1. run bcdedit  to verify the entry for Symantec Automation Folder has been removed. 
  2. run msconfig > Boot the entry for  the Symantec Automation Folder  should not be present