Can IT Analytics create custom reports?
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Can IT Analytics create custom reports?


Article ID: 181205


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IT Analytics


 Can IT Analytics use custom reports? If so, how can these be created?


IT Analytics can use custom reports. These are created by using Microsoft Report Builder, which is not part of Altiris or IT Analytics and is supported exclusively by Microsoft. These should not be confused with custom Console reports that were created using the Symantec Management Platform, as these are not IT Analytics (pivot table)-based reports. Please Note: While IT Analytics does provide a convenience link to access Microsoft Report Builder, Broadcom Technical Support is unable to assist customers with creating or troubleshooting using Microsoft Report Builder or with creating or troubleshooting any custom IT Analytics reports. Please contact Microsoft or your DBA for assistance with using Microsoft Report Builder or Symantec Consulting Services for assistance with creating custom IT Analytics reports, who can be reached here:

Symantec Consulting Services

The Developer of IT Analytics has also provided instructions (which Symantec Technical Support is unable to assist with, per the above paragraph) to the Symantec Connect community on how to make custom reports and add custom data classes to them. This post can be found here:

Learning to use IT Analytics Reporting