IT Management Suite (ITMS) Technical Resource Kit
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IT Management Suite (ITMS) Technical Resource Kit


Article ID: 181071


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


 IT Management Suite (ITMS) Technical Resource Kit


ITMS Technical Resource Kit

The following list features Symantec and 3rd-party tools that can be helpful in diagnosing problems with IT Management Suite and its components.

Installation of all the Symantec tools can done by

  • Downloading the .msi attachment to this KB article, or

  • Going to Start > All Programs > Symantec > ITMS Resource Kit, or

  • Using Add/Remove Programs.

The Resource Kit gets installed to: Program Files\Altiris\ITMS Resource Kit

  • Program Files\Altiris\ITMS Resource Kit, or

  • The Altiris installation location based on the registry.

The Resource Kit also contains documentation on how to use the tools.





Altiris Log Viewer

The Altiris Log Viewer, also known as NS Log Viewer, is a tool provided with the Symantec Management Platform. It displays a runtime view of the errors, warnings, information, and trace messages that are occurring real time.

The Altiris Log Viewer is located under Start > All Programs > Symantec > Diagnostics.

For information on how to read Notification Server log files, go to

About the Altiris Log Viewer


SMP log viewer

Provides advanced troubleshooting capabilities, in addition to the Altiris Log Viewer that ships with ITMS:

  • Reads Server and Agent log files.

  • Features find/filter as-you-type searching.

  • Includes dictionary of regional spellings and common misspellings.

  • Has the ability to connect to any remote database for GUID matching.

  • Provides the ability to repair log XML that other log viewers can't read .

  • Features event discarding for handling massive log sets.

  • Features multi-column sorting in chronological order.

  • Has a built-in right-click Lookup feature into Etrack, KB, Bing, Google.

  • Features an IIS Log & Text File Viewer .


IIS Health monitor

Searches for performance issues due to: non-optimal settings and missing OS/.NET fixes.

Searches for virtual directory configuration issues.


Database Health monitor

Provides comprehensive configuration data on:

  • SQL Instance

  • Database and datafiles

  • Maintenance plan activity

Provides comprehensive performance data on:

  • Large tables

  • Index fragmentation

  • Membership container update duration

  • Stored procedure execution statistics

  • Blocked SPIDs

  • Potential new indexes

  • Partition offsets

  • Physical disk fragmentation


Symantec Installation Manager Supportability Pack

This tool, which is part of Symantec Installation Manager, creates a .zip file that includes SIM logs, Symantec Management Platform logs, product listing, install history pl, performance logs, LatestInstallPackage xml and SIM_Infot.txt. Send this file to Symantec Support for troubleshooting installation issues.

To create a support package, open Symantec Installation Manager and click Settings. On the Settings page, click Create support package.

The package is copied to: C:\Program Files\Altiris\SymantecInstallationManager\Support .The name of the file is "Support_<date>". "Date" signifies the date when the file was created.


Altiris Profiler

Altiris Profiler is a simple, yet powerful, tool for analyzing SQL queries and code blocks executing in Notification Server and its associated processes.

The Altiris Log Viewer is located under Start > All Programs > Symantec > Diagnostics. The actual files used for it are located under …\Program Files\Altiris\Diagnostics as Profiler.exe.

The Altiris Profiler is installed by the Diagnostics package during the initial installation of the Symantec Management Platform 7.0 and 7.1. The MSI used is called "altiris_diagnostics_7_x_spx_x64.msi" under …\Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Installs\Altiris.

For an introduction to Altiris Profiler, go to

About Altiris Profiler


Symantec Software Resource Replicator

The Symantec Software Resource Replicator utility migrates "logical" information for deliverable software resources from one Notification Server to another. Note that the utility does not migrate physical packages. Physical packages should be migrated manually

For more information, go to:


MS Windows Event Viewer

The Microsoft Windows Event Log Service records application, security, and system events in the Event Viewer. Using the event logs in Event Viewer, information about hardware, software, and system components, and monitor security events on a local or remote computer can be obtained.

Event logs can help to identify and diagnose the source of current system problems, or help to predict potential system problems. More information can be found by researching the topic:

"How To Diagnose System Problems with Event Viewer"

To launch Windows Event Viewer by click the Windows Start button, then right-click Computer, then click Manage. When the Computer Management console loads, expand Event Viewer.



3rd-party tool that is used for viewing and analyzing network traffic.


Microsoft Windows SysInternals


Windows SysInternals -

Sysinternals Process Utilities

3rd-party tool set that includes advanced system utilities, such as

  • ProcMon

  • RegMon

  • FileMon

  • ProcExplorer

  • VMMapp

  • psExec


Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

3rd-party tool that manages and accesses SQL server instances accross the network and their databases. The options available in the tool are controlled by the SQL instance's security configuration.

This tool is used by a DBA to manage SQL server instances and their databases, including the database created and used by Symantec Management Platform (SMP). In addition to the DBA, the SMP Administrator will often use this tool to access the SMP database.

This tool is installed as part of a SQL Server Instance; however, the SQL Installation can install just the SQL tools without having to install a SQL instance.

Documentation: search internet for

"SQL Server technical documentation"


ITMSTechnicalResourceKit32.msi get_app
ITMSTechnicalResourceKit.msi get_app