Associated SIM (Symantec Installation Manager) registry values.
This information is current as SIM 7.1.x version. This information is provided to Support as reference while troubleshooting SIM issues if needed. Be careful when deleting or modifying registry keys.
SIM refers below registry keys for different functional aspects of SIM.
Value name: CheckUACEnabled
- Description: This registry key has default value as 'True'. For ‘True’ flag SIM will check whether 'UAC' is enabled on the machine and will ask user to run the Symantec Installation Manager as an elevated administrator (If UAC is enabled.)
- For ‘False’ flag SIM will not check for 'UAC' on the machine.
Value name: DefaultPlSource
- Description: Sets default Product Listing source to global available product listing. Default path is
Value name: LaunchApp
- Description: This key value will be SIM exe name and value is SymantecInstallationManager.exe. This is used internally by SIM.
Value name: LaunchAppCmd
- Description: This key contains value of SIM console app name and this is used by Sim Console wrapper to launch SIM through console app. This is used internally by SIM.
Value name: PlatformInstallDir
- Description: This key has value of platform install directory. Default value is C:\Program Files\Altiris\. This value can be changed through SIM UI “Install location” page.
Value name: ProductVersion
- Description: Value will be installed SIM product version.
Value name: SQLInstalledBySIM
- Description: While installing SIM on machine SIM checks for SQL instance on machine. If SQL not installed on machine then user can install SQL using prompt given by SIM installer. If SQL installed through SIM installer then this registry flag marked as “true”. This flag used on database configuration page to display local SQL server name.
Value name: PackageRepositoryPath
- Description: This is package repository path value. Due to space constraint if SIM is installed on one drive and SMP installed on other drive then in this case package repository will be at SMP install location.
Value name: InetCheckFile
- Description: This key has value for file URL, SIM use to determine if machine is connected to the internet or not.
Value name: DoMigration
- Description: This key has default value ‘0’. DoMigration is changed from 0 to 1 if the user chooses to do a data migration during a NS 6 to NS 7 upgrade through SIM.
[This key need to create in registry to enable next button or IRC page (if in disabled mode)]
Value name: EnableNextButton
- Key Path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\InstallReadinessCheck
- Description: This key has default dword value ‘0’. On IRC page of SIM if pre-requisite are installed then also next button is disabled state since some IRC failures by incorrect way. To unblock user for this case, mentioned key needs to be created and its value require setting as ‘1’.
- After these setting next button will be changed to enable state on IRC page of SIM and user unblocked to proceed further.
Value name: ConfigurationWebServiceTimeout
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This key has time-out value for NS configuration web services used by SIM for SMP and product configuration.
Value name: DependencyCheckedNotification
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This flag has value as true or false. This flag referred on install new product and install update UI page of SIM. If this marked as true then dialog displayed to user with dependency product list, to be added in product install required list.
- If show all version check box is checked and this registry key value is true then on dependency dialog user have to choose between available dependency products list by version. By default higher version dependency product is selected.
Value name: DependencyUncheckedNotification
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This flag has value as true or false. This flag referred on install new product and install update page of SIM. If this marked as true then dialog displayed to user with dependency product list removal from product to be installed list.
Value name: DisconnectedModeNotification
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This key has value true or false. If there is no internet connectivity means machine is in disconnected mode then message displayed to user about disconnected mode if this flag has value true. If value is false then disconnected mode notification not shown to user.
Value name: EnableKBArticleLinkNotification
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This key value has value either true or false.
- When a user enables the 'Show all versions' option on product update page, SIM displays popup dialog directing the user to the following KB: KB 180750
This KB informs the user that they need to install products of the same version number and not mix them.
- If this flag has value true then KB article redirection pop-up will not be displayed to user.
- If this flag is false then KB article redirection pop-up will be displayed to user.
Value name: EnablePerformanceLogging
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This key value has value either true or false. Default value is ‘True’
- This flag indicates metrics/performance log should be generated through SIM or not.
Value name: LicensingRestartServiceNotification
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This key value has value either true or false. Default value is ‘True’.
- After applying licenses through SIM, for Altiris services restart message box displayed to user for inputs. Depending on user choice further action continued.
- To display user confirmation dialog this registry flag is used.
Value name: MsiVerboseLogging
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This key value has value either true or false. Default value is ‘False’.
- If this flag is true then MSI verbose logs are created at temporary install logs folder or SMP logs folder for install/remove and repair case.
- This flag can be set using “Setting” page of SIM.
Value name: PerformanceLogPurgeDays
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This has days count value and default value is 30.
- The maximum age in days until metrics log files will be purged.
Value name: PlTimerUpdateNotification
- Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration
- Description: This key value has value either true or false. Default value is ‘True’.
- SIM asks user about PL update. As per users input PL updated or postponed. This message displayed depending on this registry flag.
Value Name: Current
- Key Path: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration\ProductListings
- Description: This node has value of current product listing number.
- It is recommended that do not change this value manually.
Value Name: Destination
- Key Path: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration\ProductListings
- Description: This node has value for SIM Product Listing repository Path. At this path SIM keep Product Listing file copy from source path.
- It is recommended that do not change this value manually.
Value Name: Previous
- Key Path: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration\ProductListings
- Description: This node has value of previous product listing number.
- It is recommended that do not change this value manually.
Value Name: RequireSIMUpdate
- Key Path: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AIM\Configuration\ProductListings
- Desciption: This node has dword value and default value is ‘0’.
- This registry value referred for SIM upgrade. If SIM upgrade available then values set to 1 by SIM and vice versa.
Value Name: LicensingServiceTimeout
- Description: This node has dword value for licensing service response time out setting in millisecond.
- Default value is 5000.
Value Name: LicensingServiceUrl
- Description: This node has value for licensing service URL path.
- Default value is
- This should not be changed manually.
Value Name: LocalRepository
- Description: This node has value for local license storage repository path. To this location license are downloaded from license server for installation.
Value Name: RestartServicesAfterApply
- Description: This key value has value either true or false. Default value is ‘True.
- After applying licenses through SIM to restart Altiris services this flag is used by SIM. If this flag is false then services will not restart after license installation through SIM.
This key has Notification Server configuration parameter as values (including database parameters). All parameter values listed below: These parameters are set through NS configuration and database configuration SIM user interface pages.
- InstallPath
- NsUserName (Encrypted field)
- NsPassword (Encrypted field)
- NsWebSite.
- NsWebSitePort.
- NsWebSiteHost
- NsWebSitePort
- NsWebSiteSSL
- SmtpPassword (Encrypted field)
- SmtpPort
- SmtpServer
- SmtpUserName (Encrypted field)
- SqlPassword(Encrypted field)
- SqlServerName(Encrypted field)
- SqlUserName
- ToAddress
- UseExisting
- UseWindowsAuthentication
Value Name: IncludeLanguagePacks, IncludeDocumentationPacks, IncludeMigrationWizard
- Description: These values has Boolean flags, default value is ‘True’. This is referred on optional component page of SIM during create install package mode.
Value Name: InstallDocumentationPacks, InstallDocumentationPacks, InstallMigrationWizard
- Description: These values has Boolean flags, default value is ‘False. These flags referred on optional component page of SIM during new product install mode.
This key preserves default product listing information values. These values should not be changed manually. Values listed below
- Name
- NextPlUpdateTime
- NotificationFrequencyMinutes
- Password (Encrypted)
- RefreshIntervalMinutes
- Source
- UserName
- Version