Enabling TRACE logging for Real-Time Console Infrastructure (Real-Time tab) RTSM
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Enabling TRACE logging for Real-Time Console Infrastructure (Real-Time tab) RTSM


Article ID: 180951


Updated On:


Server Management Suite Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


How do I enable TRACE logging for Real-Time Console Infrastructure (Real-Time tab)?  Also part of Real Time System Management (RTSM).


All parameters associated with RTSM are located in registry of NS computer under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\eXpress\RTCI node.  Enabling the TraceLevel option allows configuring the level of trace output to Notification Server log. This parameter is a bit mask.

Create the key: TraceLevel (DWORD) -
Value: FF

NOTE: We've seen logging not start until we've restarted the Altiris Service and run an iisreset to refresh all settings.

Bit Mask Values:

None = 0
Debug = 1
Verbose = 2
Information = 4
Warning = 8
Error = 16
NS = 32