Enable Dagent logging from a client
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Enable Dagent logging from a client


Article ID: 180911


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Ghost Solution Suite


 How to enable Dagent logging from a client




Enable DAgent logging from the DagentConfig application that is installed with the DAgent:

1.) Navigate to the install directory for the DAgent.  The default location is "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Dagent\DagentConfig.exe".  Launch the program by double clicking
the DagentConfig.exe icon.

2.) Click on the Log File tab.  Make sure that the "Save log information to a text file" checkbox is ticked and make note of the location the file will be saved in the "File Name" field.  The default location is C:\Program Files\Altiris\Dagent\AClient.log.

3.) Set the maximum size to 5120KB (5MB) this will ensure that ample data gets saved.  Tick all 3 check boxes, i.e. "Log errors", "Log informational messages", and " Log debugging information". Click OK.

4.) After clicking OK the DAgent will be automatically restarted and the DAgent logs will begin being saved.

Enable DAgent logging through the registry:

1.) Click Start > Run > regedit.

2.)  Navigate to the following key in the tree view on the left hand side of the regedit application: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Altiris\Client Service.

3.) Right click the Client Service key and select New > Key.  Name the key Debug.

4.) After the Debug key has been created, Right click the Debug key and create the following values:

LogFile - (dword) set to '1' to enable logging to a file. Set to '0' to disable logging to a file.

LogFilename - (string) path to the filename. E.g "C:\Program Files\Altiris\DAgent\DAgent.log"

LogInformation - (dword) set to '1' to enable logging of information messages.

LogErrors (dword) - set the value to '1' to enable logging of errors.

LogDebug (dword) - set the value to '1' to enable debug logging

LogSize (dword) - size of the logfile in bytes.  E.g. 5242880 bytes is equal to 5120KB.

5.) Right click the Windows task bar at the bottom of the desktop and select Start Task Manager.  Underneath the processes tab look for the dagent.exe process, right click it and select End Process.

6.) Restart the DAgent by navigating to "C:\Program Files\Altiris\DAgent\DAgent.exe".  Double Click the DAgent icon to restart it.  Once the agent is up and running
again the log files will begin being saved.