Install the Package Server Agent manually.
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Install the Package Server Agent manually.


Article ID: 180827


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IT Management Suite


How to install the Package Server Agent manually, so that you can still move forward with your Package Server rollout if the PSAgent continuously fails to install?


To install the package server manually use the following instructions (assuming that packages will not currently be delivered to the package server computer).

Use Windows Explorer to browse out to the Notification Server and run:
"Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\Nscap\bin\win32\x86\PkgSvr Agent Package\AeXNSCPkgSvr.exe -s -a /s."

The installation process will eventually complete under normal circumstances but it can be accelerated by having the client machine send a basic inventory then update all in use collections in the NS console (Configuration->Server Settings->Notification Server Settings->Automatic Collection Updating) and finally run the scheduled task, "NS.Package Server Status Event Capture Item". At this point the Package Servers page should be refreshed and that client with the newly installed package server agent should be displayed.