If for some reason you can't turn off/on a policy (like the Symantec Management Agent Installation policy) or you can't access the SMP Console or load the actual policy page,
how can you turn on/off a policy directly on the database?
ITMS 7.x, 8.x
To disable (turn off) a policy, run the following query:
SET State = REPLACE(cast(State as nvarchar(max)), '<enabled>True</enabled>', '<enabled>False</enabled>')
FROM Item i
WHERE Guid = '124D0571-4725-466C-8F43-998160D3CFF2' --Place the Policy GUID in this area. As an example we are using the GUID for the Symantec Management Agent Installation policy
To turn On (enable) a policy, change the entry [ '<enabled>False</enabled>', '<enabled>True</enabled>' ] on the query above.