How the Altiris Agent obtains Package Codebases (download sources)
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How the Altiris Agent obtains Package Codebases (download sources)


Article ID: 180560


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IT Management Suite


How does the Altiris Agent obtain Package Codebases (download sources) for packages that are referenced in the Client Configuration Policy?


The agent goes through the following steps:

  1. The Altiris Agent obtains information for a Task/Package from the Client Configuration Policy, located and named after this manner:

    C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Client Policies\<server_name>.XML

  2. In the Client Configuration Policy a Package GUID will be referenced, as in this example (the Client Config Policy is in XML format):

    <Policy guid="{A36705A8-123D-40AB-BCAB-D9494D19D938}" name="Software Delivery Task for program : One of Three"
       <ClientPolicy agentClsid="Altiris.SWD">
          <SoftPkg Name="One of Three" displayName="" Id="{46D50E6E-183C-4D15-9767-EE14EBEA5ED4}" Version="1.0"
    InternalVersion="1127796544" Originator="NS" Destination="" CleanupAfter="10080" Priority="Normal" StatusEventsEnabled="true">

  3. Once the Altiris Agent has received the details for a Task that includes a Package, it creates a folder based on the Package GUID in the following location (GUID obtained from the above example):

    C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{46D50E6E-183C-4D15-9767-EE14EBEA5ED4}

  4. In this folder, XML files are formed. The XML file containing the codebases is named package.xml.

  5. To obtain this information, the Altiris Agent accesses the following page:


  6. The Server returns the information into the package.xml of where the client can download the package. Here is an example:

    <Package id="{46D50E6E-183C-4D15-9767-EE14EBEA5ED4}" name="One of Three" size="0" version="1127796544" remote="false"
    priority="Normal" status="valid" minspeed="0" enableMulticast="true" statusDescription="valid">
       <Source time="2005-09-26 16:50:41" speedTest="true">
          <SiteQuery url=HTTP://<server_name>/ALTIRIS/NS/Agent/GetPackageInfo.aspx resource="{EDE45177-50D9-4851-9734-8B01BDC13A85}" type="codebases" />
          <Codebase href="http://<server_name>/Altiris/NS/NSCap/Bin/Win32/X86/OneOfThree"
    snapshot=http://<server_name>/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetPackageSnapshot.asp />
          <Codebase unc="\\<server_name>\NSCap\Bin\Win32\X86\OneOfThree"
    snapshot=http://<server_name>/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetPackageSnapshot.asp />

  7. To view the list of Sources in the Altiris Agent UI, follow these steps:
    • Launch the Altiris Agent UI by double-clicking on the Altiris System Tray icon, or by launching C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\AeXAgentActivate.exe.
    • Under the Software Delivery section of the UI, double-click on the package desired, or highlight the package and click the Properties link on the left-side of the UI.
    • Click the Download History tab.
    • The Sources box shows all available download location that has been provided to the client by the GetPackageInfo.aspx call.