Where does aex-configure look for the .aex-agent-install-config.xml file?
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Where does aex-configure look for the .aex-agent-install-config.xml file?


Article ID: 180531


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IT Management Suite


Where does the UNIX and Linux aex-configure utility look for the .aex-agent-install-config.xml file?



The aex-bootstrap, aex-nsclt installers and the aex-configure utility will search for a .aex-agent-install-config.xml file in the following locations in this order. The search ends when the first occurrence is located:


  1. Check the current directory
  2. If the current directory is not the root directory (/), check the parent directory
  3. Check in the folder specified by the AGENT_INSTALL_DIR environmental variable.
  4. Check in the folder specified by the AEXCLIENT_CONFIG_XML_DIR environmental variable.
  5. Check in folders: /tmp, /var, and /opt/altiris
  6. On a Macintosh client, this file has been found in the ./private/tmp directory.

Note that this search does not use the clients $PATH environment variable for additional locations.

It has to be noted that the native package manager may change the current working folder when installing the Altiris UNIX Agent package (aex-nsclt). For this reason, aex-configure (Altiris UNIX Agent configuration tool) may be executed from a different place and thus may not be able to find the configuration XML file. This behavior is typical, for example, in case of the GNU/Linux platform and the RPM package manager. Therefore, we recommend the /tmp or /var directories when using aex-nsclt.


The .aex-agent-install-config.xml file can be created in the 'Install settings' screen of the Unix agent rollout screen.  Note the . in the name of the file, it is hidden.