What solutions must be installed on a Reporting server (to which Inventory data will be forwarded)?
ITMS 8.x
The reporting server needs to have the same solutions installed as the reporting server (on which Inventory Forwarding is configured) for the specific inventory dataclasses that will forwarded.
For example if a Forwarding Server is configured with Client Management Suite Level 1 and is set to forward Inventory Solution dataclasses only the Reporting Server needs to have Inventory solutions installed but not any of the other solutions.
It is highly recommended that any existing and enabled policies for the solution be disabled on the Reporting Server.
Note: the above example does not take into account the potential need for dataclasses from other solutions to be forwarded to the Reporting Server in the future, nor does it take into account the change management 'cost' of installing solutions based when needed on the reporting server vs installing all solutions on the reporting server from the beginning.