Recreating the preboot environment in DS 8.x
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Recreating the preboot environment in DS 8.x


Article ID: 180505


Updated On:


Deployment Solution IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


You want to recreate the preboot environments in DS 8.x


DS 8.x 


To recreate the automation folders:

  1. In the Symantec Management Console, on the "Settings" menu, click "Deployment > Manage Preboot Configurations".
  2. On the "Manage Preboot Configurations" page, in the preboot configurations list, select/highlight the configuration that you want to recreate and click "Recreate Preboot Environment".
    1. In the windows Task Scheduler on your SMP server, locate NS.Delta Resource Membership Update.
    2. Start the Windows Task Manager.
    3. Look for BootWiz.exe. When the BootWiz is done, the configurations should be updated.
    4. If you have other servers, you may need to repeat the process on each one.

After recreating your preboot environment, try again to capture your image.


We recommend that you wait for at least half an hour before running any deployment tasks. To see if the automation folder is updated, check the timestamp for the automation folders that are created at the following locations:

- PEInstall_x86

<install_dir>\Notification Server\NSCap\bin\Win32\X86\Deployment\Automation\PEInstall_X86

- PEInstall_X64

<install_dir>\Notification Server\NSCap\bin\Win64\X64\Deployment\Automation\PEInstall_x64

- LinInstall

<install_dir>\Notification Server\NSCap\bin\UNIX\Deployment\Linux\x86\Automation\LinInstall_x86

To verify if the automation folder has been recreated, in the task manager, check if the Bootwiz.exe application has completed recreating the preboot configuration.

After recreating the automation folders, run the following tasks from the Task Scheduler to update the packages on Notification Server:

- NS.Delta Resource Membership Update

- NS.Package Distribution Point Update Schedule

- NS.Package Refresh