Even if a Detection Rules is not defined by a Software Resource, there is a default Rule that will run. It may not be applicable to the Managed Software Delivery (MSD). Here is how the detection rule works:
During an installation, we interact with Windows using the Windows Installed Software API. During install, we collect details using the Software Discovery mechanism and enter the software into our cache. It is located at:
C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Data\SoftwareCache.xml
This XML file contains information on what software is installed on the computer. After an installation, we`ll have this file populated with the software we just delivered via the MSD. This data is sent up to the Notification Server and is stored in the Inv_Installed_Software table.
The MSD will check this file for inclusion of the software that is targeted in the MSD if no other Detection Rule is defined.