Enabling Bootwiz logging for Ghost Solution Suite 3.x
Article ID: 180364
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Ghost Solution Suite
How can I enable Bootwiz logging for Ghost Solution Suite 3.x
To Enable logging in the Boot Disk Creator:
Ensure that Boot Disk Creator (bootwiz.exe) is closed. These steps will not work if bootwiz is open or running in the background.
Open Windows Explorer and browse to one of the following locations (adjust as needed for non standard install locations)
Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Bootwiz folder for full integrated console Bootwiz
Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Ghost\bootwiz folder for Ghost Standard Tools Bootwiz.
Copy the existing bootwiz.ini to a safe location. This is to ensure a known good copy in the event the file is modified improperly.
Open the original bootwiz.ini and scroll to the bottom of the file.
Add the following section: [LogFile]
Save and Close the file.
Below is an explanation of each of the sections:
file: location and name of the file (in this example, the next time you start the Boot Disk Creator it will create a bdc.log file located at the root of c:).
screen: <true/false, yes/no,1/0> are all valid options. The default is false which means it doesn't show the output to the screen.