Change the HTTP port used by Symantec Management Agents to obtain packages from Package Servers
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Change the HTTP port used by Symantec Management Agents to obtain packages from Package Servers


Article ID: 180351


Updated On: 01-14-2025


IT Management Suite


How to change the HTTP port used by Symantec Management Agents to obtain packages from Package Servers?


ITMS 8.x


Package Servers provide their code-bases, also known as published download locations, to the Notification Server. The Notification Server will then provide these code bases to Clients when those clients need to download a package. By default, even if the NS is running off a non-default port, the Package Servers will publish on the standard HTTP port of 80. To change this, follow these steps:

  1. Open up the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Browse under the Server, under Sites, and right-click on the Default Web Site.
  3. Choose Edit Bindings.
  4. Select the row for http.
  5. Change the Port to the desired port.
  6. Click OK to apply the change.
  7. Click Close on the Site Bindings interface.
  8. Launch the Package Server's Symantec Management Agent user interface.
  9. Under the Package Server tab, click Send Package Status. This step will send the new code bases with the new port to the Notification Server.

NOTE: This will take some time for the changes to be propagated through the environment.