What are the Replication States?
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What are the Replication States?


Article ID: 180303


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


 This article has information on the Replication States used by Hierarchy Replication


ITMS 8.x


The ReplicationJob table has a State column with certain state values: 

State 4 – Replication Job Complete
State 5 – Job aborted. A job is marked as aborted when the ‘CreatedDate’ of the job within the ReplicationJob table is more than double the value set for the ReplicationMaxJobTimeout value within core setting. The abort time is double the timeout time, which by default would be 96 hours.
State 6 – The Replication job has timed out. The ‘CreatedDate’ of the job within the Replicationjob table has past the value set within core settings ‘ReplicationMaxJobTimeout’ by default 48 hours
The ReplicationManifest table has a State column with certain state values: 
State 0 - Unknown or unspecified state
State 1 - Object verification is pending
State 2 - Object verification is in progress
State 3 - Object replication is pending
State 4 - Object replication is in progress
State 5 - Data verification is pending
State 6 - Data verification is in progress
State 7 - Data replication is pending.
State 8 - Data replication is in progress
State 9 - Exists is pending
State 10 - Exists is in progress
State 11 - Delete is pending
State 12 - Delete is in progress
State 13 - Replication fragment is pending
State 14 - Replication fragment is in progress
State 15 - Replication is complete
State 16 - An error has occurred that prevents replication from occurring