Verify that the proper NIC driver exists in driver template
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Verify that the proper NIC driver exists in driver template


Article ID: 180273


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Ghost Solution Suite


You are trying to check if the proper NIC driver exists in driver template.


Ghost Solution Suite 3.3


The following steps intended to show checking the inf file in which PNP Device ID has the word "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F5".
Also, the following steps are required on the PC where Ghost Boot Wizard is installed.

1. Start command prompt

On Winodws, [Start] > [Run...] > Put "cmd" > Click "OK"

2. Change current directory to top of  driver template

C:\> cd C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Ghost\Template\common\windrivers

3. Check the inf file exists for NIC driver in driver template directory
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Ghost\Template\common\windrivers> findstr /S /M " PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F5" *inf

4. Check the inf file has the information for NIC driver for VISTA

If the inf file doesn't have the information, you need to download the NIC driver from the vender site and add it.