HOW TO: Install PGP Command Line on macOS
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HOW TO: Install PGP Command Line on macOS


Article ID: 180188


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PGP Command Line


 This article will show you how to install PGP Command Line on macOS.


To install PGP Command Line on a macOS system:

  1. Close all applications.
  2. Download the installer application, PGPCommandLine[version]MacOSX.tgz, to your desktop.
  3. Double-click on the file PGPCommandLine[version]MacOSX.tgz.
  4. If you have Stuffit Expander, it will automatically first uncompress this file into PGPCommandLine105MacOSX.tar, and then untar it into PGPCommandLine[version]MacOSX.pkg.
  5. Double-click on the file PGPCommandLine[version]MacOSX.pkg.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions.

The Mac OS X PGP Command Line application, pgp, is installed into /usr/bin/.

After you run PGP Command Line for the first time, its home directory will be created automatically in the directory $HOME/Documents/PGP. This directory may already exist if PGP Desktop for Mac OS X is already installed on the system.