Uninstall and reinstall Inventory Solution
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Uninstall and reinstall Inventory Solution


Article ID: 180050


Updated On:


Inventory Solution


 How to do a full uninstall and reinstall of Inventory Solution.


How do I perform a full uninstall and reinstall of Inventory Solution?

The following steps can assist if your install of Inventory Solution has become corrupt, or you need to fully uninstall Inventory Solution to ensure a reinstall or newer version install is done cleanly. This affects mostly the file system and registry, with only minimal changes to the database. This process will not affect custom policies and settings made for Inventory Solution, nor will it affect what inventory has been collected previously.

  1. Open SIM (Symantec Installation Manager) on the SMP logged on as the Application Identity.
  2. Locate Inventory Solution from the list of installed components or solutions.
  3. Choose to uninstall it. Whether it succeeds or not, continue with the following steps. A failure of the uninstall can still be remediated by following the below steps.
  4. Delete the following Items from the file system:
    1. Install_path\Program Files\Altiris\Inventory
    2. C:\<Windir>\Assembly\Altiris.Inventory...
    3. C:\<Windir>\Installers (This is a hidden system folder)—Using the Status view (status bar) or add Comment to the columns, cycle through the MSIs located here until you find the one for Inventory Solution.
  5. Open Regedit and do a search for Inventory Solution
    1. Double-check each entry before deletion to ensure it is part of Altiris Inventory Solution before deleting them.
    2. Press F3 to search beyond each found entry after deletion.
    3. Delete items referring to install paths for Inventory Solution and referring to the product in general. If you are unsure if you should delete an entry, skip it, but make sure you delete the GUID folder under the uninstall registry key.
    4. When you find an entry, look to the left.  If a GUID folder is selected in the tree, delete the GUID folder so the entire key for the Inventory Solution product is removed (unless other entries in the selection look other than inventory).
  6. Open the IIS Manager from Administrative Tools and remove the item under 'Web Sites', 'Default Web Site' (or the Web Site you installed NS to if different than the default), 'Altiris', and delete the node 'Inventory'.
  7. To reinstall, reopen SIM and choose to install it.