Common commands used with Patch Management for Linux.
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Common commands used with Patch Management for Linux.


Article ID: 180041


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Patch Management Solution Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


 Common commands used with Patch Management for Linux.


The following commands can be ran on the client:

aex-refreshpolicies: updates policies from the NS
aex-invrulescollector: send Patch Inventories from the client to the NS
aex-sendbasicinv: sends basic inventory from the client to the NS
aex-cta ts: displays the date the client was registered and when it was last checked
aex-cta list: displays the current processes and recent processes / runs
aex-patchinstall -i: Lets the user initiate the Software Update Cycle on the client.
aex-patchutil policy list  Shows status of all current policies on client
To get more details in client log file, run the following commands on the client
aex-helper agent -s configuration debug_file_size 600 (default is 200)
aex-helper agent -s configuration debug_level devnote (to change back to normal level set debug_level error)

To enable Devnote logging run this in Terminal:

--Raise the logging level to debug state.
aex-helper agent -s Configuration debug_level devnote

--Turn off the limit of log size.
aex-helper agent -s Configuration debug_file_size 0

Collect agent logs from:  /opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/var/ 

To Disable devnote logging run this in Terminal:

  aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_level ERROR
  aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_file_size 1024