Install the DAgent using 'Silent' install in a batch script on to windows systems
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Install the DAgent using 'Silent' install in a batch script on to windows systems


Article ID: 179854


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


How do you install the DAgent using a batch script, to a Windows system clients with the DAgent tray icon visible?


Copy the DAgent.msi from the eXpress Share to Windows 7 client. (Found at C:\Program Files\Altiris\Express\Deployment Server\Agents\Aclient\DAgent.msi.)

Open notepad on client system. Copy and paste the following:

          cd: C/

          msiexec /i c:\DAgent<arch>.msi /qn server_tcp_addr=DSServerIP server_tcp_port=402

Save as "Dagent.bat".

Both the Dagent.bat and DAgent.msi files should be on the root of the client C: drive.

Disable the UAC on client by clicking Start button --> Run --> Type "UAC". Select 'Never Prompt' and save.

Run the "Dagent.bat" on client machine. It should then show the DAgent Icon in task tray with Blue circle. The client should also show active in the Deployment Server console. 

Remember to turn UAC back on again.


NOTE: If that does not work, try using the macro  %dsserver%  instead of using the IP address where the command line uses 'DSServerIP'