Error "No package could be found for the selected agent installation policy" when attempting to push out the Software Management Solution Plug-in
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Error "No package could be found for the selected agent installation policy" when attempting to push out the Software Management Solution Plug-in


Article ID: 179853


Updated On:


Software Management Solution Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


Unable to push out the Software Management Solution Agent for Windows Plug-in.

When you try to open the policy it throws an error stating:

"No package could be found for the selected agent installation policy."


ITMS 8.5 and 8.6


Unknown corruption with the installation.


Verify that the agent install packages exist in Manage > All Resources > Packages > Software Packages.  Searching for "Software Management" should list 3 packages: 32bit, 64bit, and Mac.

  •   If the packages do not exist, perform a repair of Software Management Solution through the Symantec Installation Manager (SIM).  If this does not resolve the issue, contact Symantec Support so functional install files can be obtained.
  •   If the packages do exist, perform a reconfigure using SIM

Note: Paths listed are for a default installation.  These paths will change if SMP is installed in a nonstandard location.