New install of CA Web Administrator for ACF2 is experiencing startup errors. What can cause this?
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New install of CA Web Administrator for ACF2 is experiencing startup errors. What can cause this?


Article ID: 17981


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


Many startup errors such as the following can be caused by suffix values coded in the CA LDAP Server slapd.conf file and the CA Web Administrator for ACF2 acf2_config.xml file.

  • startup ACF2 WEB gets RC=100

  • Version lookup failed. Code=80 Message=Other ERROR LoginBean:260 buttonActionListener





Release: ACF2..001AO-16-ACF2


The one common problem that can cause User Interface (UI) problems can be related to the CA LDAP Server configuration settings that correspond to the Web Administrator configuration settings. Details follow.

For Web Administrator the value for the _im definition specified in the slapd.conf suffix within quotes "abc.." must exactly match what Is specified in the acf2_config.xml within the <ldapsuffix>abc..</ldapsuffix> .

Follow the instructions in the CA Web Administrator for ACF2 for z/OS Installation Guide r15, Chapter 2: Preparing for Installation, section 'Obtain LDAP Configuration Values' to determine the port number and LDAP suffix value used for the caacf2_utf backend with IM naming_mode.

These values are used as input when running the NODEDEF script as described in Chapter 6: Configuring Your Product, section 'How to Finalize the CA Web Administrator Installation'.

Note if your display output from the 'F LDAP,BACKEND' console command does not have an entry for the caacf2_utf backend with IM naming_mode(ie. host=SYSA.TEST.COM_im,o=TEST,c=us) the slapd.conf file will need to be updated to add appropriate entries. For example:


 .. ..
 .. ..
 database         caacf2_utf
 suffix           "host=SYSA.TEST.COM_im,o=TEST,c=us"
 naming_mode      im
 .. ..
 .. ..