Initial Deployment
Initial Deployment is a default job designed to aid in the process of setting up computers that do not yet exist in the Deployment Database. Initial Deployment allows you to define how computers are initially set up after being identified by the Deployment Server.
You can define various computer configuration sets and deployment jobs to present to the user during startup, allowing the user to select the computer settings and hard disk images and software for their specific needs and environment. New computers will appear in the New Computers group in the Computers pane of the Deployment Server Web Console.
To access Initial Deployment features, click Initial Deployment in the Jobs pane of the Deployment Server Web Console.
Note: Initial Deployment is ideal for small-scale deployments (1 to 10 computers). This feature is not recommended for large deployments (10 to 100 computers) or mass deployments (100 to 5,000) where you would use virtual computers, customized jobs, and the computer import feature.
Initial Deployment consists of three tabs with separate features to deploy new computers:
- Initial Deployment
- Configurations
- Jobs
Initial Deployment
Click Initial Deployment in the Jobs pane to access this page. To set up more precise scheduling of Initial Deployment, enter values for Run Options.
- Select Run job as each client becomes active if you want to run the job as soon as the computer connects to the Deployment Server.
- Select Run Job(s) as batch mode if you want to run the job when a certain number of computers connect to the Deployment Server. You can set a timeout deadline so that the job will not run if the number of computers you specify fail to connect during a certain amount of time.
- Select Hold all clients until this time __ if you want to process the job on all computers at a particular time of day. All client computers are held before the task sets.
Set options to stop Initial Deployment from running the default configuration task sets and jobs automatically. This will avoid accidental re-imaging or overwriting of data and applications for either client computers or servers.
When a computer not yet known to the Deployment Database is first detected, it will be placed in the New Computers group and run an Initial Deployment configuration set and job. However, in many cases you do not want Web or network servers to be automatically re-imaged without confirmation from IT personnel.
- Select the check box against Server to stop servers from automatically running Initial Deployment configuration jobs. Servers are identified as those managed computers running a server operating system, running multiple processors, or identified as a server model for some manufacturers.
- Select Workstation to force workstations to stop before automatically running Initial Deployment.
Click the Configurations tab in Initial Deployment to configure different sets of computer properties. Each configuration set will be presented to the user in a menu. The user will be able to select the configuration set designed for their environment. Compare the Configuration tab with the Jobs tab.
To create new configuration
- Double click Initial Deployment in the Jobs pane.
- Click the Configurations tab.

- Click the Add button. Enter values into the Configuration page to set computer and network properties for new computers. After setting properties, click OK to return to the Initial Deployment page. The configuration set will have Config Set1 as the default name.

- Click Add to configure another set of property settings. You can add multiple configuration sets for the user to select from a menu after connecting to the Deployment Server. Add as many different configuration sets as required.

- Rename the configuration set by clicking the default name appearing in the configurations menu. You will want to provide a descriptive name that identifies the configuration set for the user.

- From the Default menu choice list, select the configuration set that you want to be the default choice.
- Click Select Default menu choice after ___ seconds, so that the default job runs automatically after a specified amount of time. The default time is 60 seconds. This is an optional field.

- Click OK, or click the Jobs tab to define a job.
Click the Jobs tab in Initial Deployment to add existing jobs or create new jobs to run on the new computer. The jobs you add or build using this page will be listed in a menu and presented to the user during startup. The user will be able to choose deployment jobs to image the computer and install applications. Compare the Jobs tab with the Configurations tab.
To add jobs
- Double Click Initial Deployment in the Jobs pane.
- Click the Jobs tab.
- Click Add Existing to add pre-defined jobs. These jobs will be presented to the user in Initial Deployment menu at startup. You can add any jobs built or imported in your Deployment Server system new page opens allowing you to select a job or job folder. Click OK to return to the Jobs page.

- Click Add to build a new job.

- Select a job folder where you would like the new job to be created.
- Click OK to view the New Job page.
- Click Go to Initial Deployment to go back to the Initial Deployment page.
- From the Default menu choice list, select the job that you want to be the default choice.

- Select Timeout after ___ seconds and proceed and type the number of seconds to wait before the computer will automatically start the default job. The default setting is 60 seconds. The max time that can be set for the time out is 254, if the box next to the time out is unchecked the job waits indefinitely
- Click OK or click the Configurations tab to stop either servers or workstations from running configuration task sets and jobs automatically.
- Click OK.
Disabling Initial Deployment
To disable Initial Deployment
- Open the PXE Configuration Tool. From a Deployment Server Web Console, click the PXE Configuration Utility icon on the toolbar.

- Click the GSS tab
- Uncheck the Enable response to request from the computer not in the GSS Database

- Close the PXE Configuration Tool by clicking OK.