What are the DS 8.x Policies used for and how should they be configured?
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What are the DS 8.x Policies used for and how should they be configured?


Article ID: 179779


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Deployment Solution




What are the DS 8.x Policies and how should they be configured?  We want to be sure we have Deployment Solution configured correctly but are confused about what each policy is or what should be turned on and/or off.

The answer to that question is "it depends" because every environment is unique.  However, hopefully the information provided here will give you pretty good guidance, along with reasons, for where you should start.

Under Settings | All Settings | Settings > Agent/Plug-ins > Deployment :

Settings\Agents/Plug-ins\Deployment and Migration\Windows

  1. Deployment Automation Folder for Windows (x86/x64) - Install.  -- Optional --  This depends on if you'll be using PXE at a location or not.  These folders are an alternative for PXE/SBS and allow your computers to boot to automation without using PXE and the associated bandwidth, which can be a very good option for production systems.  However, the folders can also cause some minor issues with XP systems or systems with unique partitioning (i.e. OEM or other multi-boot partitions).
  2. Deployment Automation Folder for Windows (x86/x64) - Uninstall.  -- Recommended Disabled --  If enabled with #1 above, can cause a looping condition of installing, uninstalling, etc.
  3. Deployment Plug-in for Windows (x86/x64) - Install.  -- Recommended Enabled --  Required for any Deployment tasks on your systems
  4. Deployment Plug-in for Windows (x86/x64) - Uninstall-- Recommended Disabled --  If enabled with #3 above, can cause a looping condition of installing, uninstalling, etc.
  5. Deployment Plug-in for Windows (x86/x64)  - Upgrade.  -- Recommended Enabled --  To ensure your clients have the latest code.  Older agents can cause unforseen issues and it's best to keep your agents up-to-date with your server.
  6. Deployment Task Server Components (x86/x64) - Install.  -- Recommended Enabled --  Required for proper functioning of Deployment tasks.  This installs SBS and the Deployment Share.  The latter is required even if you are not using PXE.
  7. Deployment Task Server Components (x86/x64) - Uninstall.  -- Recommended Disabled --  If enabled with #6 above, can cause a looping condition of installing, uninstalling, etc.
  8. Deployment Task Server Components (x86/x64) - Upgrade.  -- Recommended Enabled --  To ensure your site servers have the latest code.  Older agents can cause unforeseen issues and it's best to keep your agents up-to-date with your server.
  9. Deployment Package Server Components - Install.  -- Recommended Enabled --  Required for deploying imagines over HTTP(s) and when Package Server is installed on Site Servers
  10. Deployment Package Server Components -Uninstall.  -- Recommended Disabled --  If enabled may run into issues with the distribution of Images
  11. Deployment Package Server Components - Upgrade.  -- Recommended Enabled --  To ensure the site servers have the latest code. Older agents can cause unforeseen issues and it's best to keep your agents up-to-date with your server.

Settings\Deployment and Migration\Symantec Boot Services

  1. Preboot Configurations -- Recommended Installation -- Under Settings | Notification Server | Site Server Settings | Site Servers | <Site Server> | Install/removes services
  2. PXE Server Configuration  -- Recommended Enabled --  Under Settings  | Deployment | NBS Global Settings  NOTE:  You must click "Save Changes" on this page in DS 8.x for this policy to be enabled correctly.  Also toggle 'Apply NBS settings immediately' within the policy


All the options here are simply settings.  Initial Deployment is actually managed under PXE Server Configuration for instance.