What is NScript and how does it work?
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What is NScript and how does it work?


Article ID: 179744


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


What is NScript.exe and how does it work?


NScript is a .NET executable that comes with a Notification Server. It is located under '%InstalPath%\Notification Server\Bin' and allows to run C# files as a script, thus avoiding the need to compile the files into .NET assemblies.

The benefits of having scripting access to the Notification Server system are

  • The possibility of running a script for development to fix a known issue.
  • The possibility to automate console or Notification Server tasks that are not included in the ASDK (such as PMS and so on).

NScript usage:

C:\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\bin>NScript.exe
NScript - A .NET execution engine


Usage: NScript.exe [Flags] ScriptFileName ScriptArg1 ScriptArg2 ScriptArgN

  -?  This help text
  -v  Verbose mode - show parameter(s), compilation status, etc

  The name of the script file that you wish to execute. The language can be
  either C# or VisualBasic.NET. The file must contain a Main( string[] args )
  method, which is the entry point of the script file.

ScriptArg1 ScriptArg2 ScriptArgN:
  The parameters after ScriptFileName are passed to the Main( string[] args )
  method for the use of the script to do whatever it needs to do.

Press the enter key to exit.


  1. Copy the NScript to the ...\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\bin directory
  2. Execute the following command from a DOS windows (using the working directory from above):   
    nscript.exe MyNScript.cs