What is NScript.exe and how does it work?
NScript is a .NET executable that comes with a Notification Server. It is located under '%InstalPath%\Notification Server\Bin' and allows to run C# files as a script, thus avoiding the need to compile the files into .NET assemblies.
The benefits of having scripting access to the Notification Server system are
NScript usage:
C:\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\bin>NScript.exe
NScript - A .NET execution engine
Usage: NScript.exe [Flags] ScriptFileName ScriptArg1 ScriptArg2 ScriptArgN
-? This help text
-v Verbose mode - show parameter(s), compilation status, etcScriptFileName:
The name of the script file that you wish to execute. The language can be
either C# or VisualBasic.NET. The file must contain a Main( string[] args )
method, which is the entry point of the script file.ScriptArg1 ScriptArg2 ScriptArgN:
The parameters after ScriptFileName are passed to the Main( string[] args )
method for the use of the script to do whatever it needs to do.Press the enter key to exit.