How to determine the machine Name or IP address of the system running the CA LDAP Server(LDAP Node Host)?
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How to determine the machine Name or IP address of the system running the CA LDAP Server(LDAP Node Host)?


Article ID: 17971


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


Determining the machine Name or IP address of the system running the CA LDAP Server(LDAP Node Host) when configuring Web Administrator for ACF2(or Top Secret), CA Compliance Manager or CA Chorus for Security andCompliance Management.



Component: LDAPDV



Determining the machine Name or IP address of the system running the CA LDAP Server(LDAP Node Host) when configuring Web Administrator for ACF2(or Top Secret), CA Compliance Manager or CA Chorus™ for Security and Compliance Management.

The Web Administrator for ACF2(or Top Secret) configuration references the LDAP Node Host in the NODEDEF script as 'LDAP HOST NODE'.

The CA Compliance Manager configuration references the LDAP Node Host in the CEIQJCL1(DEFCONF) sample JCL as the 'LDAP_NODE_HOST' variable.

The CA Chorus™ for Security and Compliance Management configuration references the LDAP Node Host as one of the 'CA LDAP Server and CA DSI Server Values' as the 'LPAR name or IP Address'.

The machine name or IP address of a system is specified in the TCPIP.DATA configuration data set specified in the SYSTCPD DD of the TCPIP started task. This dataset contains the configuration statements HOSTNAME and DOMAINORIGIN to specify the TCP host name of the system. Refer to your site's defined HOSTNAME and DOMAINORIGIN statements to determine the LDAP Node Host when configuring products that utilize the CA LDAP Server.