Settings > Notification server > Task Settings details
Article ID: 179658
Updated On:
Task Server
What do the different settings under Settings > All Settings > Notification Server > Task Settings affect?
ITMS 8.x
This is a brief description of what the different settings do:
Cleanup Task Data
This setting will delete old records in all TaskInstances* tables based on the specified row count. It typically runs daily at 1:10am. This was put in to typically prevent orphan's and old data. Any tasks that have not completed should not be affected by this setting.
Task Agent Settings
Task Update instructs the client to check-in for tasks every X minutes.
Note that if the agent has a tickle connection to the server the agent will still check-in for tasks every X amount of time and will check in whenever the server sends down a tickle.
Think of this setting like a backup in case the tickle connection is not working. Site Server will set the priority on which site server a client should connect to incase the client is assigned to multiple site servers under site management.
All of the different tokens that can be used in tasks that support tokens
Update Summary data
This setting updates task data class tables used for hierarchy replication.
Update Task Service Assignments
This will assign all unmanaged computers to a site server.