Manually Installing or upgrading the DAgent for Linux ADLAgent
GSS 3.3
Initial Install of ADLagent
Deployment Server does not have a current remote install method for ADLagent. Here are the steps to install the ADLagent to a Linux box manually.
1- Copy the files directly to the Linux box. from \Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Agents\ADLAgent. Both the ADLAgent and the ADLAgent.conf. Map to the eXpress share or save files to a flash drive. The drive needs to be mounted. The Flash drive will be located in a "mnt" folder.
2- In Terminal navigate to the ADL directory. Type " sh /tmp/altiris-adlagent-2.6-4760.x86_64.bin
3- Wait till it states “Installed successfully"
4- Edit the ADLAgent.conf in vi editor. to download a VI editor.
To make changes select the insert key. To save changes in vi editor use ":wq" at the end.
Sample of adlagent.conf.
# DebugTrace Specifies whether or not to display any messages
# changes to the DebugTrace field may not be recognized until ADLAgent
# is stopped and restarted.
# LogErrors, LogInformation, and LogDebug - Specifies the types ofmessages
# to be displayed to the screen as well as writen to the log file
# UseLogFile - Specifies whether or not to write messages to the log file.
# LogFile - Specifies log file path and name
# LogSize is the maximum file size for all of the trace files (optional)
# IPTrace Specifies whether or not to display just the messages between
# the ADLAgent and the Deployment server
# Changes to the IPTrace field may not be recognized until
# ADLAgent is stopped and restarted
# IPTraceFile - Specifies log file path and name
# IPLogSize is the maximum file size for all of the trace files (optional)
# SyncTimeWithServer - Synchronize the agent's time with the
# Deployment Server. May be set to "true" or "false".
# GetApps GetServices GetDevices Specify whether or not to get the
# Applications, Services, and/or Devices at a "Get Inventory" request
# GetSmbios Specifies whether or not to read the smbios table
# EncryptSessions - Specifies whether or not ADLAgent will attempt to
# make an encrypted session with the server
# RequireEncrypt - Specifies whether or not ADLAgent will fail to
# connect if an encrypted session cannot be
# established.
#UseMCast - Specifies whether to use multicast to find a Deployment
# server or make a connect directly to the Deployment server
# using the specified IP port and address
# MCastAddr is the multicast group address to be used to find the
# console (optional)
# MCastPort is the port number to use while multicasting (optional)
# TTL is the maximum number of hops to multicast through (optional)
# ServerName is the computer name of the server (optional)
# TcpAddr is the IP address of the console to connect to (optional)
# TcpPort is the IP port number of the console listening for
# requests (optional)
# Note: Specifying these parameters will switch the ADLAgent to use
# TCP to connect to the console. Change the IP address to the Ghost Solution Suite Server address
# WakeOnLANProxy - Specifies whether to proxy Wake on LAN packets
# MCastProxy - Specifies whether this agent will advertise the presence
# of the Deployment Server.
# UseFQDN - Specifies whether adlagent should attempt to reverse
# the IP address to return a proper 'fully qualified domain name' to the
# Altiris Deployment Server.
# If the network is set up to properly resolve PTR record requests
# this option will return the fully qualified name of the agent
# (e.g., if the network does not resolve ptr
# records, this option may delay adlagent connections by as much
# as a minute or two.
# default = true
# UseHardTimeout - Specifies whether to use the hard time out or not
# HardTimeout - Specifies the number of seconds of inactivity
# the agent will wait before reconnecting to the
# Deployment Server.
# the default is 12 hours
# should ADLAgent attempt to append the new hostname to the hosts file
# as an 'alias' to localhost.
# by default ADLAgent does not put the hostname in the hosts file.
# if your network is unable to resolve/reverse your IP address to a
# fully qualified domain name, some applications (particularly Gnome)
# will complain (when started from a command line) or fail to start.
# when started via inittab
# Often the easiest way to fix this problem is to add an alias to
# the localhost line in the /etc/hosts file
# e.g. : localhost localhost.localdomain myhost
# this approach will solve the problem with Gnome, but often causes
# problems with other applications starting or returning incorrect host/ip
# default = false
# Interval at which adl_users should report changes to the logged in users
# higher values will use system resources (cpu time, memory, disk activity, network activity etc.)
# lower values result in changes to logged in users not being noticed as quickly.,.more cpu time, potentially more disk activity
# this value is in seconds (default is 6 seconds)
# a value of '0' will NOT send user updates
# The amount of time in seconds to wait for the agent to the DS before
# killing adlagent.
# in automation mode this will also reboot the system.
# Currently this is only supported in automation mode
# default is 3 minutes
# Change the file path and file name to lower case
# when copying a file from the DS.
# Default is false which preserves case
# NOTE: This default MAY NOT be compatible with jobs written for some
# older agents
# default is false
# This parameter is for the agent in automation mode only.
# It forces the agent to run the Initial Deployment Event even
# if it is already in the database
# default is false
# This parameter allows the agent control whether it will
# automaticly update to the newest or only adlagent on the
# the Deployment Server.
# default is true
One of the most common reasons that an ADLAgent install fails is because it cannot identify the Linux distribution that you are running under. When the .BIN file is installed, it defaults to the distro that is reported. If an unrecognized distro is reported it goes to a default install. Some versions of SUSE and Redhat do not report their distribution correctly.
To force ADLAgent to a specific install, use the --install-as= command line switch. Values of this switch are Redhat, SUSE, Debian, and default. Use the Redhat parameter for Mandrake as well as Redhat.
To Upgrade adlagent
Within the Deployment Server Console to upgrade the adlagent.
The .bin doesn't automatically detect if you are doing a first install or an upgrade/reinstall.
E:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Agents\ADLAgent
1-Create a new job called Update ADLAgent
2-Add a Copy File To Task to this job with a source of .\agents\adlagent\altiris-adlagent-2.4-18.i386.bin and a destination of /tmp/altiris-adlagent-2.4-18.i386.bin
(replace 2.4-18 with the latest version)
3-Add a Run Script Task to the job with the following script
echo "sleep 5; sh /tmp/altiris-adlagent-2.4-18.i386.bin" | at now &>/dev/null
exit 0
4-Run that job on any client that you need to update.