Hide or Un-hide the Symantec Management Agent Tray Icon
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Hide or Un-hide the Symantec Management Agent Tray Icon


Article ID: 179600


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


Is there a way to hide the Symantec Management Agent (SMA) System Tray icon from users so it cannot be seen or to un-hide it so that it can be seen?


ITMS 8.x


If the Symantec Administrator or an end-user chooses to see or not see the SMA agent icon this can be done with the following:

    1. Go to "Console > Settings > All Settings > Agents/Plug-ins > Symantec Management Agent > Settings > Targeted Agent Settings"
    2. Choose the targeted setting where the machines that you want to hide the icon are located at.
    3. Selected the "User Control" tab.
    4. Uncheck the "Show client tray icon" and the "Show User Options on the Symantec Management Agent"
    5. Save the changes
    6. Wait until the agents request a new configuration.

Beginning in the ITMS 8.5, the end-user has the opportunity to configure if they can see the agent or not. That option suppresses the option that the Admin could have made in the ITMS console (to show or not show the icon on the System Tray)

Important registry keys:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent\EnableTrayIcon
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Sessions\[NS_SERVER_NAME]\[USER_NAME]\EnableTrayIcon
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Sessions\[LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME]\[USER_NAME]\EnableTrayIcon

Additional Information

Targeted Agent Settings Page

150354 Using AeXNSC.exe in the command line for SMAgent installation

179495 AeXNSC Command Line Arguments