RUNSTATS line command on a tablespace from RC/Query missing the STEPLIB with the expected DB2 library allocations.
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RUNSTATS line command on a tablespace from RC/Query missing the STEPLIB with the expected DB2 library allocations.


Article ID: 17955


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RC/Query for DB2 for z/OS


RC/Query for Db2 for z/OS (RCQ) utility line commands can be used on objects, RUNSTATS is one of them.
When using the RUNSTATS line command the generated JCL is missing the STEPLIB DD allocation with the expected Db2 library allocations.


The STEPLIB information comes from the EPLIB concatenation in the DSNAMExx member found within highlvl.CDBAPARM. This should appear as follows:

 EPLIB (highlvl.CDBALOAD       

The following information about the EPLIBs is from the General Facilities Guide:

EPLIB (1 to 4)

Execution libraries. For batch STEPLIB and PTILIB generation. You can set these variables to the following special indicator values: DB2LIB1, DB2LIB2, and DB2LIB3.
Specifying one of these values causes the EPLIBx symbolic variables to be replaced with one of the DB2 load library data set names, depending on the active
subsystem ID at the time of replacement.

The DB2 Load Libraries are in the SETUPxx member under each SSID. These are pulled into initially by model MJUTLGL.
Verify the EPLIB appears as shown above and the parenthesis are in the correct place, then the libraries should be included in the utility STEPLIB DD as needed.