A list of System Tokens for Ghost Solution Suite
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A list of System Tokens for Ghost Solution Suite


Article ID: 179521


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Ghost Solution Suite




These are variable tokens that can be inserted in scripts or answer files to extract information from the Ghost Database. Tokens are case sensitive and must be in upper case.

Asset tag from SMBIOS.
%AGENTIPADDR% The IP address of the NIC of the client computer connected to the Ghost Solution Suite Server.
The IP address of the client computer connected to the Ghost Solution Suite Server. This token only works with Bootworks. It is deprecated and it is recommendedthat you use the token %AGENTIPADDR% instead.
The name of the job that called this job or the name of this job if not called by another job.
Actual computer name used by the OS.
Contact name defined in the properties.
Date string in the form of mm/dd/yyyy.
Department description defined in the Location properties.
%DNSSUFFIXSEARCHORDER% The DNS suffixes under the DNS tab.
MS Workgroup or domain name.
Domain organization units. For example: MyCompany.com/MyParentOU/MyOU.
The NetBios name of the computer where the Ghost Solution Suite Server is installed.
Email from the Location properties.
Unique Computer ID Generated by Ghost Solution Suite Server.
Full DNS name of the computer.
The name of the current job.
The name of the user that scheduled the job against the computer.  Security must be enabled in the GSS Console.
The LDAP format for AD domains. For example: dc=MyCompany, dc=com, OU=MyParentOU, OU=MyOU.
Mail stop from the Location properties.
Computer manufacturer from SMBIOS.
Complete computer name as displayed in the console.
The NetBios name for the Microsoft Domain.
IP Address for NIC y (y = 1-8). For example: the first NIC would be %NIC1IPADDR% I , second %NIC2IPADDR% ...
DNS entry x for NIC y. For example: the second NIC fourth DNS entry would be %NIC2IPDNS4%.
%NICyIPDNSALL% All DNS IP addresses for NIC y. Example: All DNS entries for the second NIC would be %NIC2IPDNSALL%.
Default gateway for NIC y (y = 1-8). For example: the first NIC would be %NIC1IPGATEWAY%, second %NIC2IPGATEWAY% ...
IP HOst for NIC y (y = 1-8). For example, the first NIC would be %NIC1IPHOST%; the second would be %NIC2IPHOST%.
Netmask for NIC y. For example: the first NIC would be %NIC1IPNETMASK%, second %NIC2IPNETMASK% ...
WINS entry x for NIC y. For example: the third NIC first WINS entry would be %NIC3IPDNS1%.
%NICyIPWINSALL% All WINS addresses for NIC y. Example: All WINS entries for the second NIC would be %NIC2IPWINSALL%.
MAC for NIC y (y = 1-8). For example: the first NIC would be %NIC1MACADDR%, second%NIC2MACADDR% ...
%NICyNETBIOSOPTIONS% NetBios options for NIC y. Example: the NetBios options for the third NIC would be %NIC3NETBIOSOPTIONS%.
%NICyPCIBUSNUMBER% PCI Bus number for NIC y. Example: the PCI Bus number for the second NIC would be %NIC2PCIBUSNUMBER%.
%NICyPCIDEVICENUMBER% PCI Device number for NIC y. Example: the PCI Device number for the fourth NIC would be %NIC4PCIDEVICENUMBER%.
%NICyUSEDHCP% If you use DHCP, the valid values are Yes or No.
%NICyUSEWINS% If you use WINS, the valid values are Yes or No.
Complete computer name.
First 8 characters of actual computer name.
NetWare context name.
NetWare preferred server.
NetWare preferred tree.
Specific operating system (Win98, Win2K, WinXP).
Operating system type (Win9x, WinNT, Linux).
Phone defined in the Location properties.
Description of the processor.
Processor speed.
The number of processors installed (not the number of processor slots).
Product License Key.
%PROCTYPE% Processor Type
Total Random Access Memory.
Serial number from SMBIOS.
Site description defined in the Location properties.
Time string in the form of hour:minutes.
User name.
The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the computer, if supported by hardware.

Additional Information

REFERENCE ID : : 3782675 4153850