Collecting SEDR diagnostics for support
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Collecting SEDR diagnostics for support


Article ID: 179389


Updated On:


Endpoint Detection and Response


Support has requested a diagnostics from the Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (SEDR) appliance.


Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response 4.6 and later.


Two options are available for collecting a SEDR diagnostic:

  1. Use the gather_evidence command to create a diagnostic and upload it directly to the support case.

    1. Log in to the SEDR Command Line Interface (CLI) as admin
    2. Run the following command
      gather_evidence -u [USER_NAME] -c [CASE_NUMBER] -s [SITE_ID] -v
    3. Note that [USER_NAME] is the email address used to log in to, [CASE_NUMBER] is your case number and, [SITE_ID] is your site ID.  If you are unsure of your site ID, please notify Broadcom Technical Support
    4. For more information about the gather_evidence command, please visit
  2. Download the diagnostic from the SEDR Graphical User Interface [GUI]

    1. Log in to the SEDR Command Line Interface (CLI) as admin
    2. Generate the logs using the following command:
      gather_logs --to-transfers
    3. Verify the name of the diagnostics using the following (Note: The diagnostics will be stored in /home/admin/transfers)
      list --home | grep SGS-TD
    4. Log in to the SEDR  Graphical User Interface (GUI)
    5. Navigate to Settings -> Global -> File Transfer
    6. Click "Download"
    7. Type in the diagnostics file name from step 3, being sure to use the same capitalization. (Example: SGS-TD_Wed_Sep...)
    8. Click "Download"